Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I am back in Orlando !

After a scary visit to the vet (phew ! there was no poking involved just a shopping trip) and driving through quite wet weather we made it to a house that looked vaguely familiar.
As soon as me and my mom approached the door hell broke loose inside ! Wait a sec I kinda do remember these doggies.. they are the crazy bunch with the little one with a 'Napoleon complex' -- as my mom said. As we were trying to get in the mom of the house squished the head of her human daughter ouch ! as the others were a bit too anxious to greet us.
Ok this is getting kinda scary too much commotion.. I will not be able to hold in my #1.. better to let it go outside instead of indoors. Hmmm..... that felt a lot better.
Taking a deep breath I confidently step inside (well more like my mom had to give me a good nudge) then I saw them the 2 black crazy doggies.. One could not wait until I started playing with her.. whereas the other surely wanted me to know that he was the boss omg am I in trouble ?? Mom ! who are these and how do I play with them ?
Let me try laying on my back that usually does it.. but nahh the older one is nudging me to run whereas the other one is going ballistic on her. oh boy.. I am totally confused but oh well they look like fun let me go along and see where that takes us.
I am going to show what a good girl I am and I peed and pood outside just as my mom told me to !
Wait ! mom where are you going ? Did you forget about me ????
Bummer.. hmm... now what do I do.. oh the big one looks like fun let me go and pick on her.. oh yeah now I love this kind of play she is a bit rough but I kinda like it as she does not mean harm.
Oh AN AWESOME BONE ! time to settle and recharge..

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